Lancashire Combined Fire Authority

Meeting to be held on Monday 24 June 2024


Annual Safety, Health and Environment Report 2023/24

Appendix 1 refers


Contact for further information – Bob Warren, Director of People and Development

Tel: 01772 866(804)


Executive Summary

Attached in full at Appendix 1 is the Annual Safety, Health and Environment Report for Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service (LFRS) covering the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.


As the body with ultimate responsibility for staff safety, health and environmental compliance it is important that all CFA Members are aware of performance of the Service in this respect. The report therefore provides a summary of overall progress and performance in respect of accidents and near misses, carbon emissions and environmental performance, health and wellbeing initiatives, together with a look forward to planned improvement areas for 2024/25.



The Authority is asked to note the report and associated safety, health, environment and wellbeing performance outcomes.




This report includes performance information for safety, health, environment and wellbeing within LFRS.


Business risk

From a legal, economic and moral standpoint, several health and safety and environmental compliance obligations are imposed on the Authority.


The Health and Safety Executive and Environment Agency will readily take enforcement action where significant or recurring failures are identified.


Sustainability or Environmental Impact

LFRS continues to manage the environmental risks and issues with impact directly on the Service through the externally accredited ISO14001 Environmental Management System which details our environmental aspects and impacts together with the measures taken to control and mitigate risks. 


The changing climate continues to impact on the Service response activities, particularly in relation to increasing attendance at flooding and wildfire incidents.  Carbon management within the LFRS estate and vehicle fleet is a growing issue, with the impact on utility and energy use which the Service is seeking to mitigate through the Carbon Management Plan and our aspirations to move to a wider sustainability plan for LFRS.


Equality and Diversity Implications

No specific implications from this report.


Data Protection (GDPR)

Will the proposal(s) involve the processing of personal data?  Y/N

If the answer is yes, please contact a member of the Democratic Services Team to assist with the appropriate exemption clause for confidential consideration under part 2 of the agenda.


HR implications

The Authority is committed to providing a safe and healthy workforce which is particularly important in the context of emergency service operations, and which requires ongoing and effective health and safety management arrangements.


Financial implications

None directly.


Legal implications

There is a range of legislative impacts imposed on LFRS relating to safety, health and environmental aspects.  These are identified and tracked by the LFRS SHE Department who maintain legal registers and assessments of compliance which is a key part of the ISO certification held by the Service.


Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985

List of background papers






Annual Safety, Health and Environment Report 2019/20


Annual Safety, Health and Environment Report



Annual Safety, Health and Environment Report



Annual Safety, Health and Environment Report




14th September 2020




28th June 2021



27th June 2022




26th June 2023

Director of People and Development Bob Warren  Telephone 01772 866804